Manitoba Egg Farmers (MEF) represents 170 regulated egg and pullet farmers in Manitoba. MEF is an independent organization, funded entirely by egg and pullet farmers.
Egg farmers are the primary caregivers of their hens that produce about 76 million dozen eggs in Manitoba each year. On average, each egg farm has about 15,000 laying hens which lay approximately 380,000 dozen eggs each year. There are approximately 2.6 million layers in the province of Manitoba, which represents almost 10% of the market share in Canada.
In addition to providing Manitobans with an abundance of nutritious, locally produced eggs, about 45% of egg production in our province is processed into dry and liquid products and shipped all over the world. The Manitoba Egg Industry contributes 115 million dollars annually to the provincial economy, and is essential to the security and well-being of the province.
Egg farmers have responded to the growing needs of the marketplace by providing a wide range of eggs for Manitobans to choose from. Some eggs are nutritionally enhanced like omega-3 eggs, and others are vitamin enhanced. Egg farmers raise their hens in a variety of different housing systems including conventional and enriched housing, free-run in a barn, and free-range with access to the outdoors (weather permitting).
An environmental, economic and socially responsible egg industry.
To lead a thriving and sustainable egg industry, empowering farm families for generations.
• Integrity - Our actions are honest and ethical.
• Respect - Our relationships are respectful. We strive to understand the perspectives of others.
• Equity - We strive to demonstrate a commitment to fairness and equity.
• Competence - We are committed to making decisions based on knowledge, experience and research.
• Innovation - We are committed to making ongoing proactive improvements.
• Social Responsibility and Public Trust - We promote healthy living, animal care, food safety, community involvement and environmental sustainability through our policies and actions.
• To promote a thriving Canadian supply management system
• To build strong relationships and maintain open communication with all our stakeholders
• To enable farmers to practice the highest standards of animal care, food safety and environmental sustainability through training and support
• To meet the needs of the general public while promoting choice and growth in egg consumption
• To encourage understanding about our industry through mutual exchange of views with the public