Omelettes and Fritattas

Omelette for Two

An omelette is just an envelope for a filling.


3 eggs
3 tablespoons of water (45 mL)
Pinch of salt
½ teaspoon (2 mL) mild herbs or spices (chives, parsley, savory, basil, coriander, cumin)
½ cup (125 mL) chopped mixed raw vegetables (carrots, celery, mushrooms, broccoli)
2 tablespoons (30 mL) Canola oil


In a bowl, mix eggs, milk and seasonings.
Add 1 tablespoon of oil to skillet and cook vegetables (on medium heat) until tender crisp, set aside.
In the same skillet, heat 1 tablespoon of oil. Pour egg mixture into skillet.
As mixture sets at the edges, with spatula, gently push cooked portions towards the center. Tilt and rotate the pan to allow uncooked egg to flow into empty spaces.
When egg is almost set on surface but still looks moist, cover one half of the omelette with cooked vegetables.
Slip spatula under the unfilled side, fold the omelette in half and slide onto a warm plate.
Serves 2

Nutrients per serving:

Calories: 248.1
Fat: 21.8 g
Sodium: 261.8 mg
Carbohydrate: 3.2 g
Fibre: 0.7 g
Protein: 9.8 g